Chat GPT: 5 Unexpected Uses You Haven’t Considered

Avery Jones
9 min readMar 28, 2023


Chat GPT: 5 Uncommon Ways to Use It

ChatGPT Surprising Uses

Remember the days when Siri was all the rage? Today the tech world is consumed by the AI chatbot world, with top contenders including Google Bard, Bing Chat, and ChatGPT. This blog post will focus on surprising ways you can use Chat GPT. This AI language model is more than just a search engine, language translator, or customer service agent. Chat GPT is a versatile tool that takes cues from human feedback to enhance your daily life and increase your overall productivity in some unexpected ways. There’s a reason it’s become the world’s most popular AI bot (did we mention it’s now banned in Italy?). Get ready to explore the fun and fascinating potential of Chat GPT.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT ChatGPT was launched on November 30, 2022. The large language model (llm) was created by a couple of University of Pennsylvania graduates and is now co-founded by Elon Musk and operated by CEO, Sam Altman. It is a type of conversational artificial intelligence that uses reinforcement learning to generate human-like responses in real-time. This advanced language model has been pre-trained on vast amounts of training data, which allows Chat GPT to understand natural language input from users and generate relevant responses based on its understanding of the topic.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT API uses natural language processing technology to provide a conversational interface. It’s based on the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) AI model, which allows users to ask questions in natural language and receive answers that are generated by the machine learning algorithm.

What is the difference between GPT 3 and 4?

ChatGPT-3 and GPT-4 are generative ai (artificial intelligence) models & perform many of the same functions, but GPT-3 is the older, free version of ChatGPT. In comparison to Chat GPT-3, the newer GPT-4 (aka ChatGPT Plus) has:

  • Improved performance
  • A better understanding of context
  • Enhanced multitasking abilities
  • Reduced biases

It also demonstrates superior language generation, increased responsiveness, and exhibits more human-like interactions. And it’s less likely to lie or provide nonsensical answers unless you deliberately ask it to.

How can I make use of ChatGPT?

All you need to login to the free Chat GPT version is internet access and an email address. Though if you’d like to access the new features, you’ll need to purchase a subscription and unless you’re lucky enough to get priority access, you can expect to wait for some time. You might also make use of the ChatGPT app and useful ChatGPT plugins that are now widely available. Also try to avoid using it at peak times, since it still hasn’t been perfected and a high volume of users tends to lead to malfunctions.

1. ChatGPT — Chatbot Writing Assistance

Chat GPT writing assistance

Chat GPT is an excellent tool for anyone who frequently suffers from writer’s block. This handy AI tool responds to queries by generating ideas and suggestions when you’re struggling to get started or looking for inspiration for creative approaches to writing.

Formats OpenAI ChatGPT can write for you:

  • YouTube video captions and descriptions
  • Press releases
  • Blog posts
  • Generating title ideas
  • News articles
  • Video scripts
  • Emails
  • Open Letter
  • Podcast Script
  • Twitter and other social media captions


The one downside to note here is that the ChatGPT free version is a 600-character limit with the free Chat GPT version. So even if you ask it to write a 1,200-word article, it will only produce 600 words at most.

2. ChatGPT for AI Therapy and Mental Health Support

Chat GPT mental health support

Need someone to talk to? Chat GPT can provide guidance and coping strategies for individuals seeking support for mental health concerns.

Types of mental health support ChatGPT provides:

  • Emotional support:
    ChatGPT can provide a listening ear and offer emotional support to individuals who are struggling with mental health issues. People can chat with the AI model about their feelings, and ChatGPT can provide words of encouragement, empathy, and validation.
  • Therapeutic Coping Strategies:
    ChatGPT can suggest coping strategies for individuals who are dealing with anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions. The AI model can provide suggestions for mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, and other coping mechanisms.
  • Mental Health Education:
    ChatGPT can be used to provide information and education about mental health conditions and treatment options. It can answer questions about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, and provide links to resources and support groups.
  • Mental Health Screenings:
    ChatGPT can be used to screen individuals for mental health conditions. By asking a series of questions, ChatGPT can help identify individuals who may be at risk for depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions.
  • Mental Health Referrals:
    ChatGPT can help connect individuals with mental health professionals and resources. The AI model can provide information about local mental health clinics, therapists, and support groups.

ChatGPT Mental Health Disclaimer

It’s important to note that ChatGPT is not a substitute for professional mental health care. However, it can be a helpful tool in providing support, education, and resources for individuals who are struggling with mental health issues. If someone is experiencing severe symptoms or is in crisis, it is important that they seek immediate help from a mental health professional.

3. Education and Learning

Chat GPT education and learning

While many are worried about the use of ChatGPT in schools and the increased potential for plagiarism by students, there is an upside to using ChatGPT for education purposes. ChatGPT is a learning machine, after all! Ask it anything, and it’ll provide information and insights on the subject.

Here are some ways ChatGPT can be used for learning:

  • Homework and assignments:
    Students can use ChatGPT to get help with homework and assignments. The AI model can provide answers to questions and suggest resources to help with research and studies.
  • Tutoring:
    ChatGPT can be used as a virtual tutor to help students learn and understand difficult concepts. The AI model can explain topics in different ways to help students who may be struggling with traditional teaching methods.
  • Language learning:
    ChatGPT can be used to help individuals learn a new language. The AI model can provide practice exercises, suggest vocabulary and grammar rules, and even hold conversations in the target language.
  • Personalized learning:
    ChatGPT can be used to provide personalized learning experiences for students. The AI model can adapt to a student’s learning style and pace, and provide customized feedback and recommendations.
  • Exam preparation:
    ChatGPT can help students prepare for exams by providing practice questions, study tips, and even quizzes and tests to assess their knowledge.
  • Research assistance:
    ChatGPT can help students and researchers with their studies by providing relevant information, suggesting sources, and even summarizing research articles.
  • Distance learning:
    ChatGPT can be used in distance learning programs to provide support and assistance to students who may not have access to traditional classroom settings.

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in education and learning. It can provide personalized support and assistance to students and help them achieve their academic goals.

4. Virtual Assistant

Chat GPT Virtual Assistant

Too busy to manage your daily tasks? Let Chat GPT help! It can be used as a virtual assistant in a variety of ways.

Chat GPT as a Virtual Assistant:

  • Answering questions:
    ChatGPT can be used to answer common questions that customers or clients may have. This can help reduce the workload of customer service representatives and provide quick and efficient responses to inquiries.
  • Scheduling:
    ChatGPT can be used to help schedule appointments and meetings. The AI model can check availability, suggest times, and even send reminders to attendees.
  • Personalized recommendations:
    ChatGPT can provide personalized recommendations based on a customer’s preferences and needs. For example, it can suggest products, services, or content that may be of interest based on their previous interactions or browsing history.
  • Customer support:
    ChatGPT can be used to provide customer support and assistance. The AI model can help troubleshoot technical issues, provide product information, and even walk customers through the steps of a process.
  • Order tracking:
    ChatGPT can be used to track orders and provide status updates to customers. This can help keep customers informed and reduce the number of inquiries related to order status.
  • Feedback and reviews:
    ChatGPT can be used to gather feedback and reviews from customers. The AI model can ask for feedback after a purchase or interaction and provide prompts to encourage customers to leave reviews.
  • Integration with other tools:
    ChatGPT can be integrated with other tools and systems to provide a seamless virtual assistant experience. For example, it can be integrated with a calendar app or CRM system to provide additional functionality.

ChatGPT Assisting You With Virtually Anything

ChatGPT can be a valuable virtual assistant for businesses and organizations looking to provide efficient and personalized customer service. It can handle repetitive tasks and provide quick and efficient responses to inquiries, freeing up human customer service representatives to focus on more complex issues.

5. Language Learning

Chat GPT for Language Learning

Chat GPT can help you learn a new language! Input text in your target language, and Chat GPT can provide translations, grammar correction, and learning resources. Expand your communication skills and connect with people from all over the world!

How to use ChatGPT for language learning:

  • Conversational practice:
    ChatGPT can provide conversational practice for language learners. The AI model can hold conversations in the target language and respond to the learner’s prompts. This can help learners improve their speaking and listening skills in a natural and immersive way.
  • Vocabulary building:
    ChatGPT can help learners build their vocabulary by providing definitions, translations, and examples of words and phrases in context. The AI model can also suggest new vocabulary based on the learner’s level and interests.
  • Grammar practice:
    ChatGPT can provide grammar practice for language learners. The AI model can explain grammar rules and provide examples of correct usage, as well as offer feedback and corrections on the learner’s own usage.
  • Pronunciation practice:
    ChatGPT can help learners practice their pronunciation by providing audio recordings of words and phrases, as well as feedback on their pronunciation.
  • Cultural immersion:
    ChatGPT can provide learners with a cultural immersion experience by introducing them to the customs, traditions, and everyday life of the target language’s native speakers. The AI model can provide information about popular foods, holidays, and other cultural practices.
  • Personalized learning:
    ChatGPT can provide personalized learning experiences for language learners. The AI model can adapt to the learner’s level and pace, and provide customized feedback and recommendations based on their progress.
  • Practice exercises:
    ChatGPT can provide practice exercises and quizzes to help learners reinforce their knowledge and test their understanding of the language.

By incorporating ChatGPT into their language learning routine, learners can improve their language skills in a fun, interactive, and personalized way.

Unleash the Untapped Power of ChatGPT

So there you have it! Chat GPT is a powerful productivity tool that can be used on Microsoft, iOS, and any other device of your choice. From writing to mental health to language learning, there are so many creative and fun ways to use this AI language model. Tell us the unique ways you’re using Chat GPT in the comments!

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Avery Jones

Writer for Wave Browser— a browser that makes productivity simpler. Check it out here: